Wound Research - SeeWound
Seber Medical and the wound monitoring application SeeWound has been jointly developed by researchers at Linköping University (led by Professor Folke Sjöberg) and active doctors, nurses and assistant nurses from Linköping University Hospital. Through the 20-year clinical collaboration, the group has together developed several objective methods that follow up, analyze, assess and thus facilitate treatment and treatment follow-up of burns and difficult-to-heal wounds.
Clinical research began by employing Laser Doppler and Laser Speckle techniques to monitor the wound healing trajectory and healing potential by analyzing perfusion in the skin and wound. The complex laser-based technology was later combined with ongoing research within artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a method suitable for images captured with a proprietary digital camera used together with polarized light. The results from the research efforts were then further developed to function on images captured with traditional photographing technologies. As soon as the AI-based methodology proved fruitful, the potential was clarified and the potential benefits for the patients apparent. All these findings have been combined into what is today the SeeWound application. The overall design and functionality of the application has since been developed in collaboration with medical professionals active within specialist clinics, primary care units, municipal care facilities as well as with patients.

All publications in chronological order:
Droog EJ, Steenbergen W, Sjoberg F. Measurement of depth of burns by laser Doppler perfusion imaging. Burns. 2001;27(6):561-8.
Leahy MJ, O´Doherty, J., Nilsson, G., Henricson, J., Anderson, C., Sjöberg, F. . A new method for visualizing red blood cell content in the microcirculation. SPIE, Newroom, International Society for Optical Engineering. 2007;10.1117/2.1200701.0504:1-3.
O'Doherty J, Henricson J, Anderson C, Leahy MJ, Nilsson GE, Sjoberg F. Sub-epidermal imaging using polarized light spectroscopy for assessment of skin microcirculation. Skin Res Technol. 2007;13(4):472-84.
Nilsson GA, C. Henricson, J. Leahy, M. O´Doherty, J. Sjoberg, F. Assessment of tissue viability by polarization spectroscopy. Opto-Electronics Review. 2008;16(3).
Farnebo S, Zettersten EK, Samuelsson A, Tesselaar E, Sjoberg F. Assessment of blood flow changes in human skin by microdialysis urea clearance. Microcirculation. 2011;18(3):198-204.
Henricson J, Tesselaar E, Baiat Y, Nilsson G, Sjoberg F. Local heating as a predilatation method for measurement of vasoconstrictor responses with laser-Doppler flowmetry. Microcirculation. 2011;18(3):214-20.
Tesselaar E, Bergkvist M, Sjoberg F, Farnebo S. Polarized light spectroscopy for measurement of the microvascular response to local heating at multiple skin sites. Microcirculation. 2012;19(8):705-13.
Lindahl F, Tesselaar E, Sjoberg F. Assessing paediatric scald injuries using Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging. Burns. 2013;39(4):662-6.
Bergkvist M, Henricson J, Iredahl F, Tesselaar E, Sjoberg F, Farnebo S. Assessment of microcirculation of the skin using Tissue Viability Imaging: A promising technique for detecting venous stasis in the skin. Microvasc Res. 2015;101:20-5.
Mirdell R, Iredahl F, Sjoberg F, Farnebo S, Tesselaar E. Microvascular blood flow in scalds in children and its relation to duration of wound healing: A study using laser speckle contrast imaging. Burns. 2016;42(3):648-54.
Pham TD, Karlsson M, Andersson CM, Mirdell R, Sjoberg F. Automated VSS-based Burn Scar Assessment using Combined Texture and Color Features of Digital Images in Error-Correcting Output Coding. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):16744.
Mirdell R, Farnebo S, Sjoberg F, Tesselaar E. Accuracy of laser speckle contrast imaging in the assessment of pediatric scald wounds. Burns. 2018;44(1):90-8.
Cirillo MD, Mirdell R, Sjoberg F, Pham TD. Tensor Decomposition for Colour Image Segmentation of Burn Wounds. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):3291.
Cirillo MD, Mirdell R, Sjoberg F, Pham TD. Time-Independent Prediction of Burn Depth Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. J Burn Care Res. 2019;40(6):857-63.
Elmasry M, Mirdell R, Tesselaar E, Farnebo S, Sjoberg F, Steinvall I. Laser speckle contrast imaging in children with scalds: Its influence on timing of intervention, duration of healing and care, and costs. Burns. 2019;45(4):798-804.
Mirdell R, Farnebo S, Sjoberg F, Tesselaar E. Interobserver reliability of laser speckle contrast imaging in the assessment of burns. Burns. 2019;45(6):1325-35.
Mirdell R, Farnebo S, Sjoberg F, Tesselaar E. Using blood flow pulsatility to improve the accuracy of laser speckle contrast imaging in the assessment of burns. Burns. 2020;46(6):1398-406.
Cirillo MD, Mirdell R, Sjoberg F, Pham TD. Improving burn depth assessment for pediatric scalds by AI based on semantic segmentation of polarized light photography images. Burns. 2021.