Improve wound treatments
Up to 20% reduction of healing time due to early detection of non-functioning treatments
Increase patient involvement
Include and inspire patients by daily communicating and discussing precise wound healing trajectory
Enhance communication
Use objective documentation of wound healing to communicate with colleagues
Trusted by more than 50 clinics, primary care units and municipality care facilities in Sweden from e.g.

Region Östergötland
“We have seen that we gain more trust from patients, and their confidence is boosted when the wound is gradually decreasing for each visit, now we can see the small changes that happens within a week”
Region Östergötland
“SeeWound quickly identifies halted healing, enabling us to quickly refer challenging patients to a specialist clinic for additional assessment"
Anesthesia nurse
Region Stockholm
“Our work feels more empowering and professional with SeeWound”
Region Stockholm
“All departments wound benefit to have SeeWound, patients moved to our unit are not always monitored with photo documentation- or sometimes no documentation at all... which directly affects the patient’s wound care”
Scientific board

Christina Lindholm
PhD senior professor Sophiahemmet University/Karolinska University hospital. Author of the "wound care bible" SÅR.

Artur Schmidtchen
Professor and Head of Division of Dermatology and Venereology, Lund University hospital

Malin Munter
Wound care responsible Jönköping Municipality, Editor in Chief Sårjournalen